Reconstruction and Modelling of landscape dynamics and climate change near Kula, Gediz Basin, Western Turkey
By Dr. J.M. Schoorl
In the SGL group a considerable amount of landscape system modelling experience has been gained over the past years. A major problem is lack of suitable data sets which allow calibration and validation of such models at the appropriate temporal and spatial resolution and extent. In Turkey an ongoing project is studying Late Cenozoic landscape evolution in cooperation with the University of Newcastle (UK) Prof Dr Darrel Maddy, Faculty ITC Twente University, Prof. A. Veldkamp, Akdeniz University (Turkey), Prof. T. Demir and Harran University (Turkey), Dr. S. Aytac. .
The study area near the town of Kula (Turkey) can be considered as a rather unique setting. Quaternary volcanics have preserved the paleo-landscape (Early to Middle Quaternary). In addition, due to continuous uplift and Gediz river incision, many outcrops are available to study the Middle Quaternary landscape properties. The aim is to study these bried palaeo-landscapes and to compare it with the current landscape and to derive the controls of erosion for different climate settings. We will aim to contribute with fieldwork and modelling expertise including radiometric and OSL dating. Research results (long term) are fore seen in scientific papers and further project proposals.
See also:
Drs. W. van Gorp PhD - Modeling Quaternary landscape evolution in the Kula basin, Turkey
- D. Maddy, A. Veldkamp, T. Demir, W. van Gorp, J.R. Wijbrans, D.J.J. van Hinsbergen, M.J. Dekkers, D. Schreve, J.M. Schoorl, R. Scaife, C. Stemerdink, T. van der Schriek, D.R. Bridgland, A.S. Aytaç, 2016. The Gediz River fluvial archive: A benchmark for Quaternary research in Western Anatolia. Quaternary Science Reviews, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 6 October 2016
- W. van Gorp, J.M. Schoorl, A.J.A.M. Temme, T. Reimann, J.R. Wijbrans, D. Maddy, T. Demir and A. Veldkamp, 2016. Catchment response to lava damming: integrating field observation, geochronology and landscape evolution modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41, Issue 11, Pages: 1629–1644, DOI: 10.1002/esp.3981
- Maddy, D., Schreve, D., Demir, T., Veldkamp, A., Wijbrans, J., van Gorp, W., van Hinsbergen, D., Dekkers, M. Scaife, R. , Schoorl, J.M., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T. 2015. The earliest securely-dated hominin artefact in Anatolia? Quaternary Science Reviews 100, pp. 68-75. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.11.021
- Veldkamp, A., Candy, I., Jongmans, A.G., Maddy, D., Demir, T., Schoorl, J.M., Schreve, D., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., 2015. Reconstructing Early Pleistocene (1.3 Ma) terrestrial environmental change in western Anatolia: Did it drive fluvial terrace formation? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 417, pp. 91-104. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.10.022
- van Gorp, W., Veldkamp, A., Temme, A.J.A.M., Maddy, D., Demir, T., van der Schriek, T., Reimann, T., Wallinga, J., Wijbrans, J., Schoorl, J.M., 2013. Fluvial response to Holocene volcanic damming and breaching in the Gediz and Geren rivers, western Turkey. Geomorphology 201, pp. 430-448. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.07.016
- Maddy, D., Veldkamp, A., Jongmans, A.G., Candy, I., Demir, T., Schoorl, J.M., van der Schriek, T., Stemerdink, C., Scaife, R.G., van Gorp, W., 2012. Volcanic disruption and drainage diversion of the palaeo-Hudut River, a tributary of the Early Pleistocene Gediz River, Western Turkey. Geomorphology 165-166 , pp. 62-77. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.12.032
- Maddy, D.; Demir, T.; Bridgland, D.R.; Veldkamp, A.; Stemerdink, C.; Schriek, T. van der; Westaway, R. (2008). The Early Pleistocene development of the Gediz River, Western Turkey: An uplift-driven, climate-controlled system? Quaternary International 189 (1). - p. 115 - 128.
- Maddy, D.; Demir, T.; Veldkamp, A.; Candy, I.; Pearson, E. (2007). Reconstructing Early Pleistocene environments in the Gediz river valley. In: Anatolian Archaeology / Coulthard, G., . - Ankara : British Institute of Archaeology, (British Institute at Ankara Research Reports 2007 13)
- Maddy, D.; Demir, T.; Bridgland, D.R.; Veldkamp, A.; Stemerdink, C.; Schriek, T. van der; Schreve, D. (2007). The Pliocene initiation and Early Pleistocene volcanic disruption of the palaeo-Gediz fluvial system, Western Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (22-24). - p. 2864 - 2882.
- Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D.R., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., Van der Schriek, T. and Westaway, R., 2005. An obliquity-controlled Early Pleistocene river terrace record from Western Turkey?. Quaternary Research, 63, 339-346.
- Maddy, D. and Demir, T., 2005. Climate history of Anatolia and the Black Sea: Early Pleistocene environments in the Gediz river valley. Anatolian Archaeology, 11, 9-11.
- Westaway R, Pringle M, Yurtmen S, Demir T, Bridgland D, Rowbotham G, Maddy D 2004. Pliocene and Quaternary regional uplift in western Turkey: the Gediz River terrace staircase and the volcanism at Kula TECTONOPHYSICS 391 (1-4): 121-169.