
A deep dive in the food system of Kibera and its environment : a spatial environmental analysis for a better understanding of environmental and socio-economic drivers

de Rooij, Bertram; Hu, Xiaolu; van Os, Jaap; de Wit, Esther


The development of sustainable food system in urban area requires a good understanding of place specific spatial and functional relationships among food system activities, and the environmental and socio-economic factors. In the full belief a multiscale spatial analysis will help in further understanding potential linkages and priorities in food system interventions and strategies, this report dives into food system activities of Kibera (Nairobi - Kenya) and the environmental and spatial relations at different scales. Available households surveys serve as starting point. The objective of this research is to bring in suggestions for further extending the household surveys to challenge a deeper understanding of crucial environmental and spatial relations between the food system activities, environmental drivers and socio-economic drivers. Most of all, it is an experimentation in supportive strategic spatial analysis for common understanding, prioritization and strategy development.