
Spatial information during public participation within environmental impact assessment in Kenya

Mwenda, A.N.; Bregt, A.K.; Ligtenberg, A.


This study set out to evaluate the use of spatial information during public participation within Environmental Impact Assessment (EAI) in Kenya, through a case study. A conceptual framework developed for this study considered four key elements: the stages of EIA in Kenya (EIA study stage), public participation (limited to ‘inform’), aspects of spatial information relevant for public participation (availability, accessibility, content, appropriateness, language, translation and technical support), and categories of participants (limited to ‘affected persons’). It was established that a cadastral map had been used, and met the requirements for accessibility, language, translation and technical support; it was unsatisfactory in the aspect of availability, and unconfirmed for content and appropriateness. Recommendations are made for the use of spatial information during public participation within EIA.