Laboratory of Genetics
The Laboratory of Genetics studies genetic variation from the processes that produce it (mutation, recombination), to the factors and processes that have shaped its architecture in the past and determine its fate now and in the future. Evolutionary theory applies to all life forms, and heredity is a key characteristic of life. Therefore, the genetic and evolutionary analysis of biodiversity requires a broad range of model species that span the major kingdoms. The Laboratory of Genetics uses computer simulations, and studies bacteria, fungi, insects and plants.
Chair holder
The interrelationship between genetics, heredity and evolution is thefocus of research of the Laboratory of Genetics.
Recent publications
Data and code AEM article: Catching some air : A method to spatially quantify aerial triazole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus
Abelmoschus esculentus cultivar:Green Star Genome sequencing and assembly
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