
AgXeed, Faromatics and HONEY.AI winners Robot event

March 4, 2021

During the agROBOfood event “Pitch your Robot, Find your Investor” SMEs presented solutions they have developed for the agri-food sector to investors, so as to secure funding to continue their work! The event (10,11 February) was built on the momentum of the previous Open Calls.

With more than 25 pitchers, 50 pitches and 50 investors the two-day, online event was a success! The first day pitches were presented based on their regional reach, while on the second day based on their domain. Both days investors have had the opportunity to watch different pitches and ask their questions, while also the Jury Panel followed the event closely to decide on the winners of the competition!

The pitchers that were awarded with the prizes during the online ceremony were:

  • AgXeed
  • Faromatics

The winners will enjoy a number of awards with the goal to help them enhance their solutions. The awards are the following:

  • € 2500 by Kubota
  • Admission to Computer Vision Summer School by Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
  • Senior Tech Panel from WUR to evaluate the robotic solution
  • An invitation by the accelerator program of WUR!

On the 1st of March 2021 the 2nd Open Call for Innovation Experiments is launched! agROBofood is looking forward to more robotic ideas for the agri-food sector!

This project has been funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union under grant agreement No. 825395.
