Research Institutes
The Research Institutes of Wageningen University & Research carry out application-oriented and field-based research. They are commissioned by the government, commercial businesses and non-profit organisations.
Wageningen Bioveterinary Research
We contribute to a society where animals and humans live a healthy life by scientific research to prevent the spread of animal diseases and promote health
Wageningen Environmental Research
Wageningen Environmental Research contributes by qualified and independent research to the realisation of a high quality and sustainable green living environment.
Wageningen Food & Biobased Research
As preferred research partner of governments, industries and NGO’s we develop technological and organisational solutions for the optimal use of bioresources to supply high quality food products and biobased materials.
Wageningen Food Safety Research
Wageningen Food Safety Research is your innovative partner for safe and authentic food. We are specialized in (forensic) measurements, perform top level research and develop methods to detect substances in food and feed.
Wageningen Livestock Research
Fundamental, innovative research and practical solutions for sustainable and profitable livestock farming.
Wageningen Marine Research
Wageningen Marine Research offers independent scientific research and advice on more sustainable management, use and protection of marine, coastal and freshwater areas.
Wageningen Plant Research
Wageningen Plant Research offers new perspectives for sustainable agriculture and horticulture through scientific research on plant production, crops and food security.
Wageningen Social & Economic Research
Our sustainable future rests on the choices we make today. We help you navigate social and economic trade-offs to drive transitions in agrifood. Let’s work together for a sustainable food system.