News on diagnostics
On this page you can read about the latest test adaptations, changes in reports or other matters concerning the diagnostics that are important to you. You will also find editions of Diagnostic news by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR).
Adjusted analysis times end of December
7 October 2024
Due to the holiday season, please note that the processing of samples for the Schmallenberg virus VNT and Tyalorella equigenitalis (CEM) analysis during the end of December differs from our usual way of working. This concerns the following adjustments:
Schmallenberg virus VNT
All samples offered before 19 December for Schmallenberg virus VNT (SBV02 and SBV04) will still be tested before 25 December. Samples offered for these tests after 18 December will not be tested until 2 January 2025, after which the standard turnaround time will apply.
Tyalorella equigenitalis (CEM)
- Samples delivered on Tuesday 17 December after 15.00 or Wednesday 18 December will not be processed.
- Samples delivered on Thursday 19 December will be deployed as usual. However, these will not be read and reported until December 27. The turnaround time is therefore one day longer than you are used to from us.
- Samples delivered on Tuesday 24 or Tuesday 31 December after 3pm will not be processed (this method is the same as processing for a normal Friday).
No analysis Babesia Gibsoni IFAT from 6 November to 24 December 2024
11 september 2024
From 6 November to 24 December 2024, it will not be possible to submit samples for Babesia gibsoni IFAT. This is due to the summer closure of the laboratory in South Africa that performs this test.
Notified samples must be received by 6 November 2023. This will allow sufficient time for shipment and testing of these samples.
From 24 December, it is again possible to submit samples. We will then make all preparations and send the samples in for testing so that your sample can be processed immediately after the South African laboratory's summer break.
Turnaround time
All samples submitted until 6 November will be processed and analysed before the South African laboratory's summer break. You can expect those test results after the usual turnaround time of at least 25 days from the time of submission to the reporting of results. Results of samples submitted from 24 December onwards are expected in January 2025.
Test for Babesia gibsoni IFT (BGS01) available again
9 april 2024
We are pleased to inform you the test for Babesia gibsoni (BGS01) is available again. Therefore it is possible to send in samples for this test with immediate effect. Before sending in samples, we ask you to make an appointment for the receival of the samples with our Dispatch Service Unit (DSU). You can reach them by phone +31-(0)320 238302 or via email: dsu.bvr@wur.nl.
Testing for Babesia gibsoni IFT (BGS01) temporarily not available
28 february 2024
We are currently experiencing major problems with the Babesia gibsoni IFT (BGS01) tests.
As a result, it is not possible to report results from this test. Samples that have been submitted for this test, can currently not be tested. We view this as highly undesirable and are doing everything possible to allow these tests to proceed again.
Until then, samples submitted will be held until the tests can be run. As soon as the test is available again, we will start communicating this.
No rabies titer determination (FAVN - RAB01) in week 4 of 2024
4 January 2024
Due to work at the Rabies laboratory, it will not be possible to perform tests for Rabies serology (FAVN - RAB01) in week 4 of 2024 (January 22 to 27). We will make every effort to report the results all within the test turnaround time, but please allow for a few days delay to be on the safe side.
Adjustment analysis time EAV VNT and EIA AGIDT at the end of December
20 December 2023
In the period 20 to 28 December, no analyses using EAV VNT (art. no. EAV01, EAV03 and EAV06) and EIA AGIDT (art. no. EAI01) are available.
Due to the Christmas holidays 25 and 26 December 2023, analyses using EAV VNT and EIA AGIDT cannot be performed during the week from 20 December to 28 December 2023.
All samples received during this period and submitted for analysis in the EAV VNT will be included in the 29 December 2023 test. The turnaround time is the standard number of days from day of deployment.
Samples offered for the EIA AGIDT test between 20 and 27 December will be tested on Wednesday 27 December 2023, after which a standard turnaround time applies.
For questions about this message, please contact: eric.dekluijver@wur.nl.
Regular turnaround times for Trypanosoma equiperdum restored
19 December 2023
The regular turnaround times for the test for Trypanosoma equiperdum have been restored. From December 20, 2023, a turnaround time of 1 to 3 days applies again for this analysis.
During the past period, WBVR was facing technical problems. As a result, WBVR was forced to outsource the test Trypanosoma equiperdum CBR (Dourine) (TEQ01). This resulted in a longer turnaround time.
Meanwhile, the technical problems have been solved and WBVR can again perform the test in-house. This reduces the lead time to 1 to 3 working days. WBVR thanks you for your understanding during the past period.
Previous news from 2023
No analysis Babesia Gibsoni IFAT from 1 November to 20 December 2023
13 October 2023
From 1 November to 20 December 2023, it will not be possible to submit samples for Babesia gibsoni IFAT. This is due to the summer closure of the laboratory in South Africa that performs this test.
The last submission for shipment must be in by 1 November 2023. Samples notified up to that date must be received by 8 November 2023. This will allow sufficient time for shipment and testing of these samples.
From 13 December, it is again possible to submit samples. These must reach WBVR no later than 20 December 2023. We will then make all preparations and send the samples so that your sample can be processed immediately after the South African laboratory's summer break.
Turnaround time
All samples submitted until 1 November will be processed and analysed before the South African laboratory's summer break. You can expect those test results after the usual turnaround time of at least 25 days from the time of submission to the reporting of results. Results of samples submitted after 13 December are expected in January 2024.
Temporary requirements for the export of horses to South-Africa regarding surra (T. evansi)
2 June 2023
From now on, horses that will be exported to South-Africa will have to be tested by WBVR as well as the WOAH reference laboratory for surra (T. evansi). This is a temporary requirement of South-Africa and testing includes the CATT performed by WBVR as well as the CATT and two different ELISA’s (all three are mandatory) performed by the WOAH reference laboratory. The costs and turnaround time of the additional tests can be found in our price list on our website. The submitting party will receive an invoice for all the tests. Please take this into account when submitting samples to avoid unexpected delays or costs.
Lead time Babesia caballi IFT (BCB01) and Theileria equi IFT (THE01) again 1 to 3 working days (as of March 13) l
6 March 2023
WBVR has succeeded in solving the problems with the delivery of the glasses for this determination and is therefore no longer forced to outsource the tests. The lead time will therefore be adjusted from the current 4-7 working days to the 1-3 working days, as you were used to from us. For the Babesia caballi CBR (BCB03) and Theileria equi CBR (THE03), WBVR continues to look for a solution.
Babesia Gibsoni IFAT: available again
24 February 2023
We are pleased to announce that the Babesia gibsoni IFAT in the laboratory in South Africa is available again. A workable solution has been found for the transport and customs clearance of the material in South Africa.
In order for everything to run smoothly, it is necessary that you contact the DSU department of WBVR (dsu.bvr@wur.nl or +31 (0)320 238302). They then indicate when the examined material must be delivered in order to arrange everything for shipment and testing of the material. Please take into account a lead time of at least 21 days from the moment of delivery to reporting the results.
Because of additional costs, rates from 1 March 2023 will be as follows:
- When submitting 1-2 samples at a time € 126.30 per sample
- When submitting 3-9 samples at a time € 60.10 per sample
- When submitting 10 samples and more at a time € 48.80 per sample
Rates are from 2023 and subject to change. For current rates, we refer to our Rates List. No rights can be derived from the rates mentioned above.
News from 2022
Turnaround times Trypanosoma equiperdum CBR (Dourine) 1 to 3 days again
8 December 2022
WBVR has resolved the issues surrounding the Trypanosoma equiperdum CBR (Dourine) determination with item number TEQ01. As of 8 December 2022, the turnaround time of determination is 1 to 3 working days again.
Longer turnaround times Trypanosoma equiperdum CBR (Dourine)
5 December 2022
From 18 November 2022, the turnaround time for the Trypanosoma equiperdum CBR (Dourine) assay with item number TEQ01 will be approximately 4 to 7 working days. Due to problems with one of the reagents of this test, WBVR has been forced to temporarily outsource this determination. We are doing everything possible to keep the turnaround time as short as possible. We hope to return to the original turnaround time soon.
Babesia gibsoni IFAT: temporarily unavailable
November 9, 2022
The research with regards to Babesia gibsoni IFAT has been outsourced to a laboratory in South Africa. Due to problems witch custom clearance with the test materials it is temporarily not possible to execute the Babesia gibsoni IFAT. We are working hard to find a solution for this.
Adjustment of partial reports in relation to the Animal Health Law (AHL)
21 March 2022
The new AHL includes a number of animal diseases that, contrary to the previous legislation, are now notifiable. Because of this, it is no longer possible to report the results of tests for these animal diseases as partial results to our customers.
Only when all tests have been completed, the results will be reported to you as a customer.
This concerns the following tests:
22EAV04 Equine Arteritis Virus PCR
22MAR01 Marteilia refringens PCR
22MPT06 Mycobact. paratuberculosis ELISA
22MPT03 Mycobacterium paratbc serology ELISA
22MPT04 Paratuberculosis PCR
22MPT01 Mycobacterium paratbc serology CBR
22PRS01 PRRSV serology ELISA
22PRS03 PRRSV PCR with spike control
22QFE03 Coxiella burnetii serology ELISA
22QFE01 Coxiella burnetii serology CBR
22COV01 SARS-Cov-2 VNT
22TRI02 Tritrichomonas foetus isolation
22TEV01 Tryp.evansi (Surra) serology (CATT)
22TEV02 Tryp. evansi (Surra) smear
Test result ‘inconclusive’ or ‘-*’ expired with immediate effect
21 March 2022
At request of customers, WBVR has critically evaluated the use of an inconclusive test result with regards to the equine herpes virus (EHV) PCR, reported as ‘inconclusive’ or ‘-*’. Test results were considered to be inconclusive, when the tested samples yielded a signal, but below the threshold value of the test. After analyzing data from the past years, WBVR came to the conclusion that in the specific case of the EHV PCR, WBVR can proceed with only positive or negative test results in accordance with the ISO17025 quality system. Test results including ‘inconclusive’ or ‘-*’ will therefore no longer be reported in case of the EHV PCR.
Turnaround times of diagnostics
18 February 2022
At Wageningen Bioveterinary Research we are currently dealing with lower staffing levels due to the coronavirus. Despite the fact that we are doing everything we can to meet the standard turnaround times of our diagnostic tests, this may not be attainable in some cases. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.
If you need the results by a set time, for example because of a maximum number of days between the collection of samples and export, please contact us by telephone +31 320-238302 or via of e-mail to discuss this.
News from 2021
Delay in parcel delivery of materials
21 December 2021
Due to the large number of packages before the holidays and the new lockdown as a result of the corona crisis, delivery by the various transporters has been delayed. It is therefore possible that materials that you order from Wageningen Bioveterinary Research will be delivered with a delay. Please take this into account when ordering.
News from 2020
Continuity of WBVR activities as a result of coronavirus
13 March 2020
The outbreak of COVID-19 continues to worsen, and this has effects on the delivery of diverse articles needed for biomedical and veterinary research.
As a result of the global spread of the coronavirus, the delivery of diverse articles needed for biomedical and veterinary research is problematic. A major share of these products is being delivered to regions with the highest level of infection in order to diagnose people and prevent the further spread of the virus. Unfortunately, this also means that other regions, such as the Netherlands, will encounter delivery problems. This includes products that are crucial to biomedical and veterinary research at Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) because we use some of the same equipment that is used to diagnose humans.
WBVR is working on all fronts to continue its work and activities. To meet this crisis, we are in constant contact with our suppliers and we are looking for alternative solutions. In doing this, we take into account the measures announced by the Dutch government.
We want to ensure our customers that we are doing our utmost to optimally carry out any orders as soon as possible.
If you would prefer to speak to us about this, please contact Dispatching Service Unit (DSU) via mail dsu.bvr@wur.nl or via telephone +31 (0)320-238302.
Submissions of material for testing
5 March 2020
When test material is submitted, we have noticed that there is still some room for improvement in the way order forms are completed and samples labelled. Moreover, because of the more stringent quality requirements arising from ISO 17025, there are a few changes to the reporting of results.
New layout for results
As of 17 February 2020, we have been sending our results according to a new layout. This is due to the new ISO 17025 standards. From now on, the report will be called the Certificate of Analysis.
This certificate clearly indicates which data were submitted by the client.
The layout of the table of results is unchanged, but there is now explicit mention of the fact that the results apply to the sample(s) as received by WBVR.
At the bottom of the certificate, there is now a table which, for ISO 17025 accredited tests, refers to the scope of Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (scope no. L389, which can be found on the website of the Dutch Accreditation Council [RvA], covers the tests carried out that are accredited by the RvA) and explanatory notes on the conformity of these accredited tests.
Amendment report
Under the new ISO 17025 standard, from now on we are required to mention on the revised Certificate of Analysis that it is an amendment report. We must also mention the part of the certificate in which the change has been made compared with the previous certificate. Additionally, we must indicate whether the change was made at the client’s request, or was made on the basis of a check by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research.
This requirement means that the person reading the certificate can tell which changes, if any, have been made compared with a previous certificate. It is therefore very important that all the information provided on the order form is accurate. Whilst it is still possible to subsequently change this information, this will be visible on the Certificate of Analysis.
Submitting test material for CEM diagnostics
A number of things are very important to bear in mind when submitting test material for CEM testing.
a. For example, swabs must be used to take samples of the material, and these swabs must be sent in an Amies medium (medium with activated carbon). These swabs have an expiry date. If this has elapsed when they arrive at the lab, the swabs cannot be used for testing.
b. Nor will swabs be acceptable for testing if they have not been transported in a refrigerated environment (4-10 oC) after the sample was taken and have not arrived within at WBVR within 36 hours of the sample being taken.
c. The sampling location is very important for these swabs. The sampling location must be mentioned on both the order form and the swab. Otherwise, it must be clear what the connection is between the swab and the sample, as described on the order form.
Completing order forms
We frequently still receive order forms completed by hand, despite the option of completing the order form digitally. It is not a problem to complete the form by hand, as long as the handwriting is clearly legible. If the completed forms are hard to decipher, this can result in incorrect information being put on the Certificate of Analysis.
This information can be amended, but this will be mentioned on the Certificate of Analysis. To avoid this, it is therefore very important that the order form is completed correctly and legibly.
WBVR appointed as NRL for a large number of animal diseases
3 March 2020
Large sections of the new Official Controls Regulation (OCR, EU 2017/625) entered into force on 14 December last. This Regulation replaces a lot of old European legislation, and brings together everything to do with official controls carried out by, or on behalf of the competent bodies. This regulation covers a lot of areas, such as food safety, animal feeds and genetically modified organisms, animal health, animal welfare and, eventually, organisms harmful to plants.
The OCR requires all member states to appoint national reference laboratories (NRL), at least if a European reference laboratory has also been designated. In the sphere of animal health, WBVR has been appointed as the NRL for a large number of animal diseases. The most recent updated list can be found in Staatscourant (Official Gazette) 69789 dated 23 December 2019. The OCR also stipulates requirements for laboratories which perform tests as part of the official controls. The applicable standard is ISO 17025 accreditation for the tests used. At present, WBVR has more than 60 accredited tests, and is working to add to this number.
Laboratory results of accredited tests by WBVR are therefore always accepted for the purposes of official controls and, for example, export diagnostics.
News from 2018
Mycobacterium tuberculosis ELISA assays
May 2018
Wageningen Bioveterinary Research would like to inform you that as of 1 May 2018, our laboratory will no longer offer Mycobacterium (para)tuberculosis ELISA assays.
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ELISA bovis (article number MTU01), Mycobacterium tuberculosis ELISA avium/para (MTU04), Mycobacterium tuberculosis ELISA MPB70 (MTU05) and the Mycobacterium paratuberculosis ELISA (MPT06) assays will not be carried out after this date due to the fact that the materials on which the assays are based are no longer available. Because of our current high quality criteria, we have decided to discontinue the tests.
Our laboratory is working on the development of animal species-specific alternatives and we will keep you informed of any news in this area.