The Sinderhoeve is an experimental field station that encompasses experimental ditches, experimental ponds, laboratories (the ‘Sinderhuis’) and seven hectares of arable land. All facilities are available for conducting aquatic and terrestrial research on the behaviour and effects of chemical substances in the environment as well as for more basic ecological research questions.
Facilities are available for conducting aquatic and terrestrial research and for environmental risk assessments. The experimental systems offer opportunities to study the behaviour and effects of a wide range of compounds in compliance with GLP. Sinderhoeve encompasses seven hectares of arable land, terrestrial microcosms and lysimeters. Also, Sinderhoeve provides possibilities for performing experiments supporting the higher tiers in risk assessment.
The Sinderhoeve has a wide range of experimental facilities. In addition to experimental facilities such as ditches, enclosures, mesocosms and lysimeters, the Sinderhoeve also has a modest laboratory and meeting facility.
Map of facilities
Sinderhoeve has a wide range of experimental facilities. In addition to experimental facilities such as ditches, enclosures, mesocosms and lysimeters, the Sinderhoeve also has a modest laboratory and meeting facility.
Publications based on Sinderhoeve activities.
Video impression
Introduction Alterra’s aquatic Environmental Risk Assesment
History of the Sinderhoeve experimental field station
Contact Sinderhoeve