BC Teacher Training: Set up and experiences of participants
In order to help students develop their BC competences, teachers should also be trained on their own BC competences and how to facilitate students’ BC development. To achieve this, a BC teacher training is currently being offered by the Education Support Centre, and developed in consultation with the BC core team. This training is open for all teachers.
How can we support students in developing these boundary crossing skills throughout the program?
Marieke van Schaik, one of the trainers involved in the BC teacher training, shared on the themes and set-up of the course: raising BC awareness, recognising BC situations, and developing teachers’ capacities for training students’ BC competence. The course is conducted over half a year, with an online kick-off, self-study, assignments in groups, and live workshops and peer consultation moments. Participants are paired up in duos (or trios) to collaborate on assignments and give each other feedback and suggestions.
Solen le Clec'h and Sarahi Nuñez Ramos, both teachers at the Environmental Systems Analysis group, shared their experiences on the BC teacher training. As they underwent the course, they better understood the BC concept. Consequently they began to see their own course in a new light and saw opportunities for implementing BC elements. Solen and Sarahi are currently working on making BC more explicit in one of their own course, International Study Visits Environmental Sciences. They started to use and design BC material (e.g., knowledge clips, BC-oriented assessment rubric) to develop their students’ BC competences, thanks to both the workshop and the peer-consultation parts of the training. They also shared that through the BC teacher training, they realised that they have personally experienced BC.
For more information about the BC training for teachers and/or to sign up for the training, please check out this page.