
Biometris GenStat Procedure Library Edition 15

The 15th edition of the Biometris GenStat Procedure Library contains 69 procedures. The library can be downloaded by using the link at your right. The following 13 procedures are new to the 15th edition:

COMPACT compacts numerical vectors by storing unique rows
FDERIVATIVE calculates numerical derivatives of a function
FINTEGRATE calculates a definite integral of a function of one argument
FMINIMIZE minimizes a function of one argument by (modified) golden section search
FROOTFIND finds the root of a function of one argument by (modified) bisection
GAUSSPOINTS calculates nodes and weights for Gauss-Hermite and Gauss-Legendre integration
GROBINOMIAL generates pseudo-random numbers from an overdispersed binomial distribution
GROPOISSON generates pseudo-random numbers from an overdispersed Poisson distribution
QREGISTRY can be used to retrieve registry keys from the registry
R2NEGBINOMIAL fits a negative binomial GLM estimating the aggregation parameter
RLOGITNORMAL fits the Logistic-Normal regression model to overdispersed proportions
SETDEVICE opens a graphical file on the basis of a file extension
SYM2VARIATE copies a symmetric matrix to a variate along with row and column information

Procedures PPAIR and SETDEVICE succeed a procedure in the official GenStat Procedure Library and have some new options and/or parameters.

Procedures BIOMETRIS, GENBATCH, PER2MUTE, QTIMEDELAY, RBETABINOMIAL and SFILENAME have some new options and/or parameters.