Campus smoke-free
As of 1 July 2020, all WUR parts of Wageningen Campus will be smoke-free. This measure is in keeping with the announced government legislation ruling that all educational facilities, from primary schools to universities, must keep their premises smoke-free.
WUR supports this measure because our organisation values a healthy learning and working environment. Many young people start smoking when they begin studying. In creating a smoke-free campus, WUR contributes to preventing students from smoking and thus to the smoke-free generation 2040.
Smoking policy from 1 July 2020
Smoking is prohibited on all WUR parts of campus as of 1 July 2020. This includes the Dreijen, the Aula and testing locations Nergena and Droevendaal. This measure applies to everyone: students, staff, visitors and suppliers, without exception, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long. All types of smoking wares are prohibited (including e-smokers).
Are you a smoker?
No longer being able to smoke on campus will likely mean a change in your daily routine. Discuss possible bottlenecks with your supervisor, study advisor or student dean.
Below you will find Frequently Asked Questions. Is your question not listed? Servicedesk Facilities is available for all questions.
Purpose Smoke-free Campus
Why am I no longer permitted to smoke on campus?
The smoke-free campus springs from new legislation obligating educational facilities to keep their premises smoke-free. Studies show that the age at which people start smoking determines the risk of addiction and how difficult it will be to quit. Thus, the government focuses on preventing young people from starting to smoke.
This new measure is part of a larger route map towards a smoke-free generation in 2040.
Guidelines Smoke-free Campus
From what date is the campus smoke-free?
What is considered smoking?
Where is smoking no longer permitted?
May I smoke outside of the smoke-free campus?
My car is privately owned. May I smoke inside my car?
Is there a non-smoking rule for WUR-locations outside of Wageningen as well?
May I smoke on campus outside of office hours, on weekends or during the holidays?
Information for Students
I intend to quit smoking. Where can I get help?
You have several options for support when you want to stop smoking. Your general practitioner can discuss the different possibilities with you, or you could use any one of the many apps made specifically to help and motivate smokers wanting to quit.
You may also seek support through personal coaching or group sessions. Your (Dutch) health insurance will cover one such programme a year outside of your deductible fee. Check all options (in Dutch) on www.ikstopnu.nl or www.rokeninfo.nl.
Non-EU students: check the question below.
I am a non-EU student, and my health insurance doesn’t cover any support for quitting.
Where can I get help if I run into problems as a result of the new smoking policy on campus?
If study progress is affected, students may consult the study advisor, student dean or student psychologist, depending on the nature of the issue. See also Student Guidance on our website.
Please note: for questions or suggestions regarding the smoking policy itself, please contact Servicedesk Facilities.
If I smoke on campus, what consequences do I face?
I see people smoking on campus, how should I respond?