
Economic and agronomic analysis of seed potato supply chains in Ethiopia

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the major root and tuber crops grown in Ethiopia. However, the production and productivity of potato in Ethiopia are very low. These low production and productivity are attributed to many factors among which very low quality of seed tubers and shortage of seed tubers of improved potato varieties are important ones. To date, there is a dearth of information on how to improve seed tuber quality and availability of seed tubers of improved potato varieties through the development of seed potato supply systems. This research project aims at the design of options for improving seed tuber quality and availability and the analysis of economic consequences of improvement options. More specifically, the objectives of this research project are: 1) to describe and analyse existing seed potato systems, and identify and prioritize the constraints to and options for improvement; 2) to elicit farmers’ opinions on the importance of seed potato management attributes with respect to perceived effect on potato seed yield and quality and to quantify this effect; 3) to analyse costs and benefits of seed tuber quality improvement options within a defined solution space; and 4) to design improved seed potato supply chains and assess their economic consequences.