
MEDIATION: Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and Adaptation

The MEDIATION project is financed by European Commission within the 7th Framework Program (FP7) under Environment Theme.

MEDIATION addresses climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation options through six activities:

  1. Analysis of the decision-making context
  2. Inventory, review and improvement of methods and metrics for impacts and vulnerability analysis
  3. Likewise for costing of impacts and adaptation options
  4. Development of an overarching integrated methodology
  5. Development of a flexible, interactive common platform for knowledge sharin
  6. Dissemination of this knowledge and training

The components of the project are connected in an iterative fashion, using case studies which combine selected regional, sectoral and cross-sectoral characteristics and policy questions. Wageningen University in this project contributes to assess the socio-economic aspects of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and particularly adaptation options in a number of case studies. The major methods include cost-benefit analysis, cost-effective analysis, optimization method and general equilibrium modelling.

More information about the MEDIATION Project