SensUs Student Competition 2024
Can you improve the lives of people with chronic kidney disease?
Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, is a condition in which the kidneys lose their ability to filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood adequately. Monitoring creatinine levels is crucial for managing and evaluating kidney function, especially in individuals with kidney failure or acute kidney injury (AKI). Regular monitoring of creatinine levels and other blood tests and assessments helps healthcare professionals tailor treatment plans for individuals with kidney failure to manage their condition effectively and maintain a good quality of life.
For whom?
The multidisciplinary team usually consist of 10 to 15 students, partly with a (bio)chemical and partly with a technical/equipment background. One or two students with a business /marketing background will be of help in finding companies to sponsor the team and to explore entrepreneurship. Communication can also help creating exposure for the team and the solution. The challenge is open to BSc and MSc students from WUR and is largely extracurricular. We estimate a required investment of around 4-8 hours per week.
What's in it for you?
This is a great opportunity to create real impact, as you and your team will work on solving a "real life" problem. Collaboration, team building, as well as creativity and innovative thinking will be needed and developed during this challenge. You will be supervised by BIP, BNT, and WFBR groups. To cover part of your time investment, there will be the option to obtain credits either via a Capita Selecta or by following the Student Challenge courses (YWU-51803 and YWU-52309). Individual solutions can be found in consultation with the academic supervisors.
In the previous challenge, prizes were awarded for innovation, analytical performance and translation potential with regard to business, finance and stakeholders.
What is the Sensus Competition?
The International SensUs Student competition is a coalition of approximately 20 national and international universities whose goal is to stimulate the development of biosensors. This is achieved by organising a friendly competition where students design and fabricate innovative biosensors. Each year, the SensUs team chooses a societally impactful indicator of health as an objective in collaboration with different stakeholders. This year, the biomarker is creatinine, just like it was last year. You will build upon the innovation of last years team to measure the biomarker continuously.
Interested to improve patients’ lives?
If you are interested in the challenge, or want more information, join the information lunch or contact johannes.hohlbein@wur.nl to join like-minded students on MS TEAMS.