Student testimonial
In collaboration with my study adviser I was able to design a Master’s program that fit my interests exactly
Student Management, Economics and Consumer Studies
Prior Education: Liberal Arts & Science (Social Science), University College Utrecht
Het lijkt me erg interessant om in mijn thesis te onderzoeken of problematiek rondom de voedselsector met behulp van innovatie en maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen kan worden verminderd
Study Continuation
Food. Nature. Sustainability. That is what it had to be about. My name is Guido Danen and I am a 24-year old student who has just started the second year of the Master’s Management, Economics and Consumer Studies. After my study Liberal Arts and Sciences with a specialisation in Sociology, International Relations and (Arts) History at the University College Utrecht I was looking for a Master’s program that could give me the opportunity to focus my academic skills on these themes and to challenge me further. After a fruitless search on websites and at Open Days of universities in England, Sweden, Scotland, Germany, The Netherlands and the US I found Wageningen University. Sometimes, the answer lies right in front of you.
In Management, Economics and Consumer Studies I saw a good balance between what had already appealed to me in my Bachelor’s and what I had gotten so much interest and passion for during the past years. That combination of subjects made Wageningen unique for me and, after having enrolled, it turned out that I only needed to pass one basic mathematics course to be fully admissible. I passed this course during my first semester along with a Master’s course. This way I could proceed directly.
One year further I am still very much happy with my choice for Wageningen and the program. The courses are set up in such a way that the student interests are put forward in the framework of the theories and projects. In other words, what has to be learned is learned, but in such a way that your interests play a center role. As a result, I have been able to give a completion to my interest in food and I have acquired skills which will be of great help in my future career. Furthermore, the flexibility of Wageningen University allowed me, in collaboration with my study advisor, to design a program that fit my interests exactly.
At the moment I am busy with the framework of my thesis with which I will start in a couple of months. In the past year I have also taken a couple of courses about innovation and socially responsible undertaking and I would find it very interesting to research if the problems surrounding the food industry could be reduced using these concepts. After my thesis I hope to find an internship at, for example, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The International Food Policy Research Institution or food producers such as Unilever or Wessanen. Wat follows after that has still to be decided, however I have faith that there is a nice career waiting for me and that what I have learned in Wageningen will help me greatly.