
Lunch concert with FRÉ

Though FRÉ is an evening person, she writes most of her songs at dawn, when the world is still quiet and her inner critic still fast asleep. There, preferably in the woods surrounding her studio, the Amsterdam-based singer-songwriter digs deep, cuts the fluff and writes lyrics so honest that they sometimes scare her.

Organised by Impulse
Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828
Price Free

At the moment FRÉ is working on a new EP revolving around the overarching theme of femininity. Sonically, the body of work she’s co-producing with Julian Bohn and Wannes Notenbaert takes FRÉ into an adventurous musical landscape, with influences from artists like Billie Eilish, Kimbra and Bon Iver.

Off stage, FRÉ recently co-founded and launched the Dutch branch of the international organisation Music Declares Emergency. Together with a team of musicians, music industry professionals and environmental scientists, she declares a climate and environmental emergency and calls for immediate action to protect the environment and all life on Earth. In her master thesis at the pop department at the Conservatory of Amsterdam she investigated how artists can decrease their environmental impact and use their platforms to create the cultural change needed.