To arrange before departure to Wageningen

On this page we would like to provide you with information on what you need to do before your travel to the Netherlands.

Welcome to Wageningen

When you travel to the Netherlands, you can follow the directions you have received from Idealis about picking up your room key (if applicable). The International Office expects you to come to the Forum to the Welcome Days. The International Office will send the arrival information a few weeks before your arrival by email.

To make your trip to the Forum more comfortable we provide you with Travel information which you may print out. Do not forget to check the Dutch weather before leaving. For more information about Wageningen check

Arrival in Wageningen

We strongly advise you to plan your arrival in Wageningen for September/February in the mentioned Welcome Days after the approval of your entry visa. You can check here if you need an entry visa or only a residence permit. If you only need a residence permit, you can travel to the Netherlands without a visa and stay for 90 days. Before you may pick up your residence permit, only if you entered the Netherlands without an entry visa or it was not possible at the Dutch Embassy or Consulate to register these data, you will have to visit the nearest IND office to submit your biometric data when you are in the Netherlands. The nearest IND office to Wageningen is Utrecht.

The addresses and opening hours of the IND desks. A residence permit card cannot be issued without biometric data. You have to pick up your residence permit in the Netherlands before those 90 days have passed.  

In order to become a resident of the Netherlands and a student at Wageningen University you need to arrange a couple of documents. More information about the required documents can be found here. The Student Service Center as well as the official authorities will ask you to provide them. Most of the documents you have to provide should be legalised or provided with an apostille.

The International office of the Student Service Centre will start your entry visa and/or residence permit procedure after payment and receipt of all required documents for the entry visa and/or residence permit. It is strongly recommended NOT to book a flight ticket before the entry visa approval.


Student housing is organized in a special way at Wageningen University & Research. Idealis is the biggest housing company in Wageningen. To apply for a room please go to For more information check the webpage about housing.

Annual Introduction Days

We strongly recommend that you attend the Annual Introduction Days which take place during the summer and in February (for the programmes starting in February). This introductory programme helps you get acquainted with Wageningen University buildings and to meet fellow students. Visit the website of the AID for more information.

The staff of the International Office of the Student Service Centre is looking forward to meeting you at Wageningen University & Research!