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Projecten - dr.ir. A (Anneleen) Kuijsten

Projecten van A Kuijsten

Healthy and sustainable diets: bringing the consumer perspective to the table (2018-present) – VLAG/TKI/Alpro

Healthy and environmentally sustainable diets are high on policy agendas. Yet, insight in the consumer perspective is restricted to environmental and price factors, but lacks knowledge on essential factors, such as taste and beliefs. Co-promotor of PhD student.

Metrics, Models and Foresight for European Sustainable Food And Nutrition Security (SUSFANS, 2015-2019) – EU H2020

Strengthening food and nutrition security in Europe requires a turnaround towards sustainable consumption and production. Wageningen University & Research is part of a consortium of industry and science that will identify how food production and nutritional health can be aligned. This is a shared responsibility between farmers, companies, consumers and government at national and EU levels: to ensure that food produced and consumed ‘scores better’ in terms of health and the environment. The researchers develop suitable metrics, models and foresights on future food and nutrition security. The outcomes will help to underpin more integrated EU policies in this field. Researcher (WP1: conceptual framework and food and nutrition security sustainability metrics, and WP7: Modelling SHARP diets for EU consumers).

Scientific knowledge base and data platform for modelling SHARP diets (SHARP-BASIC, 2016-2020) - DSM, NZO, TiFN, Unilever, Wageningen University & Research

In this project, a platform is being developed in which existing knowledge about availability, sustainability and health is brought together. This knowledge can then be used in newly to be developed research models with which scientists can determine which dietary patterns are optimally sustainable and healthy. The overall aim is to operationalize “SHARP diets” for EU consumers in sub-regions based on individual-level data such diets are environmentally Sustainable, Healthy, Affordable, Reliable and Palatable. Researcher and co-promotor of PhD student.

Interaction of genetic and lifestyle factors on the incidence of type 2 diabetes (InterAct, 2007-2012). - EU FP6

EPIC-InterAct is the world’s largest study of incident Type 2 Diabetes established as a case-cohort study nested within the pan-European EPIC study. The overall aims are to discover how genes interact with potentially modifiable lifestyle and behavioural factors in their influence on the incidence of type 2 diabetes, and to inform strategies for prevention. Postdoc researcher and co-promotor of PhD student.

Dietary lignans: intake, bioavailability and molecular mechanisms in relation to malignant diseases and coronary heart disease (2001-2007) - ZonMw

PhD project on bioavailability of enterolignans and their relation with chronic diseases.