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Projecten - dr. S (Siemen) van Berkum
Shifting Production Zones
Shifting Production Zones - WUR Project Shifting Production Zones Climate change is projected to affect the agricultural sector, altering regional... -
Global Food Systems Index
Global Food Systems Index - WUR Project Global Food Systems Index De food system index (FSI, zie Van Berkum and Ruben, 2021) wordt aangevuld met... -
Develop Food System Maps 2100
Develop Food System Maps 2100 - WUR Project Develop Food System Maps 2100 Hoe ziet ons voedselsysteem er in de toekomst uit? In dit project kijken we... -
EU-Mercosur handelsakkoord update
EU-Mercosur handelsakkoord update - WUR Project EU-Mercosur handelsakkoord update In een Tweede Kamer motie van 31 januari 2024 (motie Kamminga c.s.;... -
Trend analysis future of the food system in sub-Saharan Africa
Trend analysis future of the food system in sub-Saharan Africa - WUR Project Trend analysis future of the food system in sub-Saharan Africa De studie... -
Food Systems Approach
Food Systems Approach - WUR Project Food Systems Approach Tackling global challenges of producing sufficient healthy food for an increasing population... -
Trade-off analysis: tools for impact evaluation in food system research
Trade-off analysis: tools for impact evaluation in food system research - WUR Project Trade-off analysis: tools for impact evaluation in food system... -
Case study ontkoppeling NL-PRC
Case study ontkoppeling NL-PRC - WUR Project Case study ontkoppeling NL-PRC Het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) heeft het CPB en CBS... -
Food System Papers and Special issue Food Security
Food System Papers and Special issue Food Security - WUR Project Food System Papers and Special issue Food Security Schaalvergroting, specialisatie en... -
Boundaries of Food Systems
Boundaries of Food Systems - WUR Project Boundaries of Food Systems Analyses van het functioneren en de uitkomsten van voedselsystemen kunnen sterk...