Just transition: an operational framework to make transitions more just : Lessons learned from science and practice
Coninx, Ingrid; de Rooij, Bertram; Casu, Flavia; Dijkshoorn-Dekker, Marijke; Likoko, Eunice; Eweg, Annemiek; Harding, Tossa; Koopmanschap, Esther; Mekonnen, Daniel; Reemer, Thies; Termeer, Emma; van Alphen, Monica; van Assendelft, Yael; van Ree, Marlies; Zeinstra, Thamar
Just transition is currently a leading principle in discussions about transitions. But what does that mean? How do we make sure that transitions are just? We have developed an operational framework to help people in the transition process to put justice in practice, based on a review of the literature, analysis of just transition practices and dialogues between policymakers, scientists and practitioners. We have scoped our work in the context of food systems transformation and climate change. The operational framework consists out of four steps and several questions that help to raise awareness on the potential to make transitions more just. It can even be used to initiate a dialogue among people in transition process on how they jointly would put justice into the transition practices. The report concludes with a knowledge agenda that summarises pending research questions that would be useful to further complete the operational framework.