
Crop Modelling: Output data and References

Results are given for respectively winter wheat, spring wheat, potato ware, potato seed, sugar beet, fodder maize, grain maize, winter rape seed, spring barley, sunflower, peas, onion and tulip.


Simulation runs for the thirteen crop types have been done for

  1. the current climate conditions for Lelystad, the Netherlands,
  2. the four KNMI scenarios for Lelystad with the high emission scenario A1FI,
  3. the four KNMI scenarios for Lelystad and the moderate emission scenario B2,  and
  4. the four KNMI scenarios with the high emission scenario A1FI plus the adaptation to climate change.

Crops and types of yields

Results are given for respectively winter wheat, spring wheat, potato ware, potato seed, sugar beet, fodder maize, grain maize, winter rape seed, spring barley, sunflower, peas, onion and tulip. The simulations have been done for both potential (i.e. irrigated, optimal nutrient supply and management) and water-limited conditions (i.e. rainfed, optimal nutrient supply and management). Both mean yield values and the standard deviation (SD) of the simulated potential and water limited yields over 17 years are given in the tables per crop.  However, there are many more outcomes from the simulation runs than given.

Other outputs

For potential conditions the mean and SD of the following outcomes as simulated over 17 years, and also the outcomes per year are available as Excel files on request:

  1. Dates of sowing, emergence, flowering (or tuber initiation), and maturity
  2. Growth durations
  3. Weights at harvest of total roots, leaves, stems, grains/tubers/bulbs, and total above-ground biomass
  4. Maximum leaf area index and harvest index
  5. Transpiration coefficient
  6. Total gross assimilation and total maintenance respiration
  7. Total soil evaporation and total crop transpiration.

For water limited conditions the mean and SD of the following outcomes as simulated over 17 years, and also the outcomes per year are available as Excel files on request:

  1. Dates of sowing and emergence, and the growth duration
  2. Weights at harvest of total leaves, stems, grains /tubers/ bulbs, and total above-ground biomass
  3. Maximum leaf area index and harvest index
  4. Transpiration coefficient
  5. Components of the water balance during the simulated period, such as cumulative  rainfall, change in soil water in maximally rooted zone, cumulative crop transpiration and soil evaporation, and total water losses by downward flow and by surface runoff
  6. Fractions of yield and total above ground biomass  compared to the yield and total biomass under potential conditions.



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