Congratulations on graduating!

We wish you all the best in the next phase of your career and hope you will proudly remain a member of the Wageningen University & Research alumni community. Please share your contact details with us so that we can inform you of inspiring activities and news.

This is how we can help you

Alumni on LinkedIn

Join the Alumni LinkedIn group of Wageningen University & Research (WUR). This way you can easily stay in touch and stay informed of news, activities and stories about (former) fellow students. It is the ideal platform to expand your professional network and share milestones, relevant information and vacancies.

Help with your career

Are you looking for a job or would you like to talk to a career coach? You can contact Student Career Services after graduation too.

International alumni networks

Our alumni all over the world are very important to us, which is why we have WUR Alumni Networks in many different countries, where you can find other WUR alumni and join fun activities and share knowledge together.

The 4TU is the Dutch partnership of technical universities. Together they organize activities for 4TU alumni all over the world under the banner of DEAN (Dutch Engineers Alumni Network).

Also take a look at the NL alumni network; a worldwide network of Dutch alumni all over the world.

Alumni Networks Netherlands

The Alumni Networks Netherlands are all organized around a specific theme. Each Study Circle or Network organizes activities (lectures, excursions, and network meetings) within the Wageningen domain and they represent the interests of their field of expertise.

Keep learning for a lifetime!

You are never done learning! Under the motto "lifelong learning", WUR has many different options for continuing to learn after your study time. Check out all Courses and Programmes for Professionals.

Also take a look at the Universiteit van Nederland: inspiring scientists (including scientists from WUR) give short lectures on exciting and current topics in the form of videos and podcasts.

Awards and funds

Have you just submitted a great thesis or are you working on a promising research? Special achievements deserve to be rewarded! That is why University Fund Wageningen awards prizes every year to the people who have achieved such a special achievement.

The University Fund Wageningen also has various funds that give students, (young) researchers and employees of Wageningen University & Research the opportunity to gain (international) experience and strengthen their position in the labor market.