dr. JD (Juventia) Stella

dr. JD (Juventia) Stella

Externe medewerker, Docent

Stella Juventia is a PhD candidate at the Farming Systems Ecology group (FSE) at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the Netherlands, working on producing actionable knowledge on designing crop diversification strategies – in particular strip cropping (strokenteelt) – in the Netherlands. Her current research lies in the intersection between generic and practical knowledge, connecting experimental field observations, a model-assisted design framework, and farmers’ experiences.

In 2017 she was awarded the Studeren in Nederland (StuNed) scholarship to pursue an MSc degree at WUR, graduating with cum laude in 2019. Prior to that, she pursued a BSc degree at Nagoya University, Japan with the MEXT scholarship offered by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Besides working on her research, Stella is an active member of the Production Ecology & Resource Conservation (PE&RC) PhD council and the Wageningen PhD council, contributing to improving the wellbeing and the quality/accessibility of trainings for both WUR and non-WUR PhD candidates.