Study programme - Master Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics

This programme focusses on sustainable supply chains from the perspectives of information technology, business economics and operations optimization. The education has a multidisciplinary character by its frequent interfaces with natural sciences.

Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics (MME-B) Year 1
Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics (MME-B) Year 1

Academic year

The programme runs annually beginning in September each year. It comprises of 120 credit points (ECTS), equivalent to two academic years. The academic year consists of 6 periods. Period 1,2,5 and 6 comprise six weeks of classes, one week of self-study and the exam week. In these periods students often follow two courses worth 6 credits each. Period 3 and 4 entail of four weeks in which both the lectures and the exams take place. In these periods students follow one course worth 6 credits. The expected workload is 40 hours per week.

Year 1

Programme specific courses (30 ECTS)

The programme courses deal with subjects like:

  • Business Information Analytics
  • Analytics of Business Economics
  • Material Flow Analytics
  • Supply Chain Analytics

Academic Master Cluster (12 ECTS)

In the Academic Master Cluster, teams of 5 to 7 students from different disciplines are assigned to execute a transdisciplinary-oriented academic consultancy project for an external commissioner.

Electives (18 ECTS)

The space for electives can be used for deepening or broadening knowledge on the field of interest of each individual student.

Year 2

Thesis (36 ECTS)

The thesis (individual research) consists of 24 weeks of research and reporting (36 credits). The research is conducted under supervision of a staff member of one of the chair groups related to this master programme.

Internship (24 ECTS)

The internship consists of 24  credits of project work in an institution outside of Wageningen University. The internship may either be undertaken in the Netherlands or abroad. The purpose of the internship is to provide students with a unique learning opportunity to apply acquired knowledge and skills in a professional setting. The experience gained from the internship also serves to help students focusing on their area of interest, as well as building confidence and maturity in their field.