
S.Stremke speaker at 'Netwerkbijeenkomst Energietransitie en gezondheid'

Organised by Netwerk Maak Ruimte voor Gezondheid

Wed 16 June 2021

Venue Online

On 16 June from 9 am to 12 noon, the 'Netwerk Maak Ruimte voor Gezondheid' is organizing a digital meeting about the consequences of the energy transition for health.

  • What consequences could the energy transition have for health and safety?
  • How can this be included in planning and decision-making?
  • How do we include the preferences of people who do not attend residents' meetings?

Joost van der Ree (RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) provides an overview of the effects of energy transition on health and safety.

Sven Stremke (WUR Wageningen University &Research, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture) shows how good design of solar and wind farms can make the landscape more attractive.

Jaap de Wolff (GGD Municipal/regional health service North and East Gelderland) discusses the perception aspects of new energy sources (wind farms, solar meadows, biomass).

Oscar Breugelmans (GGD Amsterdam) shares his experiences with citizen participation regarding the installation of wind turbines.