
International Guest at ELS: Javad Hatami

July 16, 2019

Digital environment learning and online argumentative peer feedback

My name is Javad Hatami, and I am an associate professor in Educational Technology from Tarbiat Modares University in Iran. I’m delighted to join and collaborate with ELS group which includes great experts and researchers. This opportunity is my sabbatical leave and collaborate with Dr. Harm Biemans and Dr. Omid Noroozi together.

Our research program concentrates on online peer feedback issue in digital environment learning. In the new paradigm, educational technologies changed the educational circumstances and new generation of students find more learning opportunities on the web. In fact, virtual spaces provide more flexible and richer learning situation for learners. This is why, student’s collaboration has a crucial role in this situation. The knowledge growth in criticism and argumentative peer feedback is kind of critical thinking. Although the importance of argumentative peer feedback for learning is undeniable, there is a need for further empirical evidences in higher education. Peer feedback creates an invaluable chance to make a solid grasp for learners. The regulating of peer feedback chances and manage of that is main target of this project.

Furthermore, we will evaluate the quality of reasoning and argumentation of learners in digital environment learning. The research method is mixed methods?. In other words, one part of research is experimental design and other one is qualitative method. We hope the results of this research could help to improve of learning quality in digital spaces.

I also hope this common project helps to improve the scientific collaboration between TMU and WUR.