collected 7 March 1980. later renamed into S. candolleanum

Passport data

Passport data include source and origin data of the accessions as well as the best fitting taxonomic identification, based on the available data.

 An online search facility is offered for passport and evaluation data of accessions that have received a CGN number so far. Only samples that can be freely distributed (screened for quarantine diseases; with enough seeds available; good germinability) are included in the 'regular' CGN collections.

The passport data can be downloaded for CGN accessions only, or including duplicates, extinct accessions and receipt numbers (not available for distribution).

Until 1994 (FAL, Germany), each accession was identified by a BGRC-number (Braunschweig Genetic Resources Collection; Hoekstra & Seidewitz, 1987). Once included in the CGN collection, they received a CGN accession number. Origin country, collector number, and corresponding accession number in other genbanks are available. More data on accessions duplicated in other potato genebanks can be supplied, as the genebanks have shared their databases in the framework of APIC, the Association of Potato Intergenebank Collaborators (Bamberg et al., 1995; Huamán et al., 1996, 2000).


The provided potato species list is sorted per taxonomic series and includes pictures, info on Endosperm Balance Number, chromosome number, region of origin, altitude range.

The used taxonomic nomenclature follows Hawkes (1990), with some revisions from Spooner and colleagues (see "Other info" on our Potato Portal).

The latest taxonomy for the genus Solanum is available via GRINTAX. Checkout S. candolleanum (33 spp. north of Lake Titicaca) and S. brevicaule (23 spp. south of Lake Titicaca) for the largest potato species mergers. The proposed merger of S. boliviense with S. megistacrolobum is under dispute (Jacobs et al. 2011). Also the merger of S. hannemanii with S. neorossii seems to conflict with the results from Jacobs et al. 2011.

The used species abbreviation codes follow Huaman & Ross (1985).

Disclaimer: All EBN numbers and most of the chromosome numbers are based on general literature reports or countings from other genebanks. The information provided by CGN may contain errors. The users are therefore requested to report back any mistakes in the data of CGN.