
Transdisciplinary Lunch Crowd: "The who, what, when, why and how tips for writing and submitting grant proposals"

Do you have questions, ideas, education or projects on transdisciplinarity and are looking for a platform to discuss them? WIMEK organises a series of discussions on all things related to transdisciplinary research and education. The goal of these sessions are to facilitate interaction and knowledge sharing.

Organised by Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research (WIMEK)

Tue 28 June 2022 12:30 to 13:30

Venue Gaia, building number 101
Droevendaalsesteeg 3
6708 PB Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 48 17 00
To join online, click here
Room B:101 R:Gaia 2 - A.013

You are an expert in your field, but how do you show this expertise to your prospects writing and submitting grant proposals? During this lunch lecture, the Liaison Office of ESG (LO-ESG) will explain how they can support you and will also give some tips about successfully writing a grant proposal.

Whether you are a new employee, researcher, or chair holder and mainly concerned with successfully executing your projects, the preparation of grants and the required internal processes are usually not your core competency and this is especially challenging when applying for transdisciplinary research projects. The Liaison Office of ESG has the knowledge and experience to ease your concerns by identifying promising opportunities and to assist you all the way through the submission. This might save you a lot of time and efforts. During the lunch lecture the team of the Liaison Office-ESG will explain what they do and how they can guide you through submission processes that may be required to get your project granted.

Besides supporting the submission process, WUR has a Wageningen Grant Office (WGO) since 2019 that can also help you in the writing process by giving feedback and tips & tricks. The LO-ESG and WGO will share the key features of grant writing: what kind of grants to apply for, what to look for in grants, how to frame your research, what to consider in the evaluation, and give some examples of potential forms of impact and knowledge utilisation. Both impact and knowledge utilisation become increasingly more important in grant writing.

For questions about the Transdisciplinary Lunch Crowd sessions or to be included in a mailing list for this and other transdisciplinary-related events, please contact Jillian Student