How do I use My Journal Alerts?
From the selected journals you will receive table of contents, with links to the full text.
Journal alerts on table of contents
You can subscribe to journal's table of contents alerting service for over 5000 journals.
- Select a journal
- Note that only journals WUR Library subscribes to can be added.
- Click on 'Get it' and click on 'Add this journal to My Journal alerts' on the right side.
- The journal will be added to your alphabetically ordered list with 'My Journal Alerts'.
- You will receive a table of contents, each time a new issue is published.
- You can easily remove a journal by using the 'remove' option.
About My Libary
My Library is a collection of services that can be customized to reflect your own personal interests and research needs. The services are freely available for all users of WUR Library.
Off-campus access
Additionally, for WUR staff and students, logging in with your WUR account will give you off-campus access to licensed resources, e.g. online books, journals and databases.