Student information
Participation in the finals of the IUFoST Food Product Development Competition - Ireland
Past year, two Indonesian WUR master students took the challenge and joined the Fighting Hunger Food Product Development Competition organised by the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). And successful they were! Accestia Christy and Stella Alinneshia were invited to present their product, a high energy and protein gluten-free cookie targeted for Indonesian children, at the IUFoST World Congress 2016 in Dublin.
Supervised by a WUR PhD-student the cookie was designed in order to address Protein-Energy Malnutrition problem in Indonesia. With their product they had to challenge 8 other teams as the finalists. What made their cookie special, was that it was made from local abundant resources in Indonesia e.g. sweet potato, red beans, banana and nutritious Moringa oleifera. To emphasize the local and sustainable value of our product, it was decorated with Indonesian hand-crafting. The funding enabled Accesstia and Stella to attend the whole congress and to deliver the final presentation to the judges. “They wanted to know more as well as to taste it directly.” The enthusiasm of the judges leaded to the third place in the competition, a performance they can be proud of! During the congress the girls developed world class networking and friendships with other fellow participants, international companies and world class scientists. These connections will probably benefit them to assist in a possible collaboration in the future.