Student testimonial
Student Acha - MSc Communication, Health and Life Sciences
Acha started the master after a bachelor in Public Health in Indonesia, because of her devotion to solving complex health issues with health promotion approaches.
The program has given me such a great inspiration on how I can solve complex health issues in my country in the future.
Acha did her Bachelor in Public Health and specialised in health promotion in Indonesia. “I chose the Health and Society programme because it offers me a relevant programme for my future career and my devotion to solving complex health issues with health promotion approaches. The courses provided in the programme are in line with my expectations and are very interesting."
The programme so far is beyond my expectations. The courses have given me not only a great new knowledge, but also a great experience in solving a real complex health issue with a real project. The way lecturers transfer the knowledge is great, they bring a live discussion in class and sometimes invite the real practitioners to share their experiences. The types of assignments are very modern and some of them are quite new for me as an international student. Based on what I’ve experienced is that the assignments really helped me to understand the concepts that come by during the courses. Overall, the programme has given me such a great inspiration on how I can solve future complex health issues in my country. I am looking forward to having more experience in a real project.
Wageningen is a very beautiful village in Netherlands. It’s a nice place for people who like a rural atmosphere. However, you can still have an urban life at the same time in the city centre to have fun and refresh your mind.
After graduation, I will go back to Indonesia to apply the knowledge I get from my master study as a health promotion practitioner.