The objective of the Graduate School Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS) is to train early-stage researchers to become professionally skilled scientists with strong theoretical background.
About WIAS
WIAS is engaged in fundamental and applied research and provides training for young researchers in the biology of animals including wildlife, companion animals, livestock and experimental animals.
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PhD candidates
This page is primarily for PhD candidates enrolled at WIAS. Here you can find information about the PhD programme, WIAS requirements, the Training and Supervison Plan (TSP) and the WIAS proposal. If you are not enrolled in WIAS but a prospective PhD candidate please go to “prospective PhD candidates” under more information on the bottom of the page.
If you are a WIAS postdoc who recently joined one of the WIAS chair groups, please send WIAS an email to let us know who you are and to register as a WIAS postdoc.
Courses and seminars
WIAS (co)organizes a wide range of in-depth, disciplinary and skills and competences courses and seminars for PhD candidates and other researchers. Some of the courses are given several times a year and others are given every two or three years. To help with your planning, we show the courses that are open for registration, we also give an indication of when courses that are not yet planned are expected to be given. All PhD candidates and researchers can register for our courses and seminars.
About WIAS
The objective of the Graduate School Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS) is to train PhD candidates to become professionally skilled scientists with strong theoretical background.
News and calendar of WIAS
Funding and WIAS Fellowships
Participating chair groups
WIAS combines the research of thirteen chair groups of Wageningen University within the domain of animal sciences. At the moment more than 225 PhD candidates are enrolled in WIAS. There are about 30 postdocs connected to WIAS. WIAS’s scientific staff consists of about 130 faculty members, including 13 full and 16 personal and special professors, and 30 researchers from three Wageningen research institutes (Bio-veterinary Research, Livestock Research and Marine Research) are associated to WIAS.
Contact the graduate School
The office of graduate school WIAS is located in the Radix building on Wageningen Campus. To get in touch, contact one of the team members or fill in the contact form below.
WIAS Magazine
WIAS magazine aims to strengthen the community of WIAS PhDs & postdocs, because science connects us all. We do this by offering a platform to showcase the amazing work being performed under the WIAS umbrella and combine this with a personal touch. WIAS magazine is published quarterly.