Courses and seminars
WIAS (co)organizes a wide range of in-depth, disciplinary and skills and competences courses and seminars for PhD candidates and other researchers. Some of the courses are given several times a year and others are given every two or three years. To help with your planning, we show the courses that are open for registration, we also give an indication of when courses that are not yet planned are expected to be given. All PhD candidates and researchers can register for our courses and seminars.

Professional Competences

Upcoming courses:
Here you will find links to WIAS-organized courses that are regularly. These courses are split into categories based on the WIAS TSP.
Regularly announced WIAS courses

- APS/WIAS course The Fundamentals of Animal Emotion (every 2 years)
- WIAS Image Analysis Course (every 2 years, expected in 2025)
- Computer vison for animal scientists: tracking and pose estimation (every 2 years, expected September 2024)
- Summer school Resilience of living systems (WIAS/PE&RC) (once every 3 years)
More courses and Seminars
WIAS discussion groups
PhD discussion groups can be part of the TSP if they are approved by the WIAS Education Committee (EC). To get approved the discussion group must submit a written application to the EC describing a discussion-group-plan. For more information please read the guidelines.
Discussion groups approved by the EC:
Name | Contact |
QVE Book Club | Lieke Rongen |
Quantitative Genetics Group | Tristan Kistler and Tobias Niehof |
QVE Book Club: Participants prepare for the meetings by reading the chapters to be discussed. At the meetings, a member presents a chapter and this is followed by an in-depth discussion on the topic. Books are democratically chosen and focuses on a scientific skill applicable to PhD projects.
Quantitative Genetics Group: During the biweekly meetings, ongoing projects are discussed and new knowledge on quantitative genetics is shared. This group is composed mainly of PhD and staff members from Animal Breeding and Genomics group.
Wageningen Graduate School courses
Competences, skills and career oriented courses which are organised by Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) in which the 6 Graduate Schools of Wageningen University (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS and WIMEK) are formally organised can be found here:
Wageningen in'to Languages
Looking to professionalise by communicating better? Please find courses to improve language (writing and speaking) skills here:
Wageningen library
Wageningen library organises courses on how to effectively find, obtain, use, manage, and publish scientific information. More information can be found here: