Erasmus+ Green Travel Top-Up

WUR students receiving an Erasmus+ grant can receive a green travel top-up if they use environmentally friendly, sustainable means of transport for their trip to AND from their host country. This includes travel by train, bus or carpooling (shared car, but only if travelling with other students, not with family members for vacation purposes before or after your stay abroad).

Submit corresponding proof and you will receive a single contribution of EUR 50, plus 2 additional days of Erasmus+ grant to cover your travel days.

How to apply for the green travel top-up

When filling in your Erasmus+ grant application in Osiris Student, you are asked to indicate the way you are planning to travel to and from your exchange destination. If selecting one of the green travel options, you will need to confirm that you are planning to travel green, by checking the box "I declare on my honour that I will travel sustainably to and from my host institution as part of my planned Erasmus+ exchange". The green travel top-up will already be included in the total grant amount on your Grant Agreement.

After you have returned from your exchange, you will be able to upload proof of your travels as part of the upon return process. You will need to upload your train or bus tickets (both ways!). In case of carpooling, we need a copy of the gas receipts. Note that you will only receive the green travel top-up if you traveled green both ways, and, if approved, the top-up will be paid together with the second payment of your Erasmus+ grant.

Please note: we are in the process of switching the internship/thesis grant application process to Osiris. If you have applied for the Erasmus+ grant by sending all documents via email, please fill in and sign the Declaration of Honour. Send the signed Declaration of Honour plus proof of your green travel (both ways!) via email as well (, instead of uploading the documents in Osiris.

Please note that this information is subject to change. No rights may be derived from this information.