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Education - CMM (Catriona) Lakemond
FQD22306 | Food Quality Analysis and Judgement |
FQD80436 | MSc Thesis Food Quality and Design |
FQD80424 | MSc Thesis Food Quality and Design |
FQD70224 | MSc Internship Food Quality and Design |
FQD70424 | MSc Internship Food Quality and Design |
ENT21306 | Insects as Food and Feed |
ENT21306 | Insects as Food and Feed |
FQD80424 | MSc Thesis Food Quality and Design |
FQD22306 | Food Quality Analysis and Judgement |
FQD80436 | MSc Thesis Food Quality and Design |
FQD70224 | MSc Internship Food Quality and Design |
FQD70424 | MSc Internship Food Quality and Design |