prof.dr.ir. GMJ (Frits) Mohren
Universitair hoofddocentFollow me:
I am particularly interested in growth of trees and forests in relation to soil and climate. Trees and forests are fascinating living systems, and they provide valuable and beautiful resources that can be used for many different purposes. Their long lifespan requires trees to adapt to strongly fluctuating growing conditions that have to be buffered; the formation of stemwood can in principle continue forever, as long as there are no damages from outside, that can lead to infestations. Forest management always has taken into account the ecological possibilities provided by a particular site, as well as the demand for various forest products and services, together with the technical aspects and possibilities to influence and steer forest development, to achieve desired management targets. Forest management has to adapt continuously to adjust to changing site conditions and to changing demands from society, and is based on knowledge and experience; both have to be kept up-to-date. My own research interest has shifted in recent years from production ecology of trees and forests to the analysis of management systems, and the knowlede and information needed for this.