GL (Gerard) Velthof GL (Gerard) Velthof

Externe medewerker, Senior researcher

Dr. Gerard Velthof is soil scientist and senior researcher Nutrient Management at the Sustainable Soil Use team of Wageningen Environmental Research. He has over 30 years experience in research on nutrient and carbon management in agricultural soils and published more than 100 papers in scientific journals. Currently, his research includes projects on the effect of water management on nitrous oxide and CO2 emissions from peat soils; trade-offs between carbon sequestration measures and nitrous oxide emission from mineral soils; ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizers; and evaluation of integrated region-specific measures to reduce ammonia and greenhouse emissions and nutrient leaching. He was coordinator of several EU Service contracts, coordinator of the H2020 project FAIRWAY and he is currently coordinator of the Horizon project New Harmonica. He is chair of the Scientific Committee on Nutrient Management Policy (CDM). The CDM advises the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture on topics dealing with the manure and ammonia policies. He is also chair of the working group on agricultural emissions (Taakgroep Landbouwemissies) of the Dutch Emission Registration. This working group determines the methodology, collects data, and calculates the gaseous emissions from agriculture (NH3, N2O, CH4, NOX, particulate matter, CO2) yearly on a national level.