Projects - dr. HM (Hilje) van der Horst
Rethinking the place of meat in religious traditions through ritual intervention (NWO) exploring the potential for ritual intervention to reduce meat consumption
Selected output
Understanding dignity of food aid receivers in Europe (WASS), exploring the way in which forms of food aid shape dignity of recipients through, among others, ethnographic fieldwork
Selected output:
Less stress and poverty, more experienced health and participation (ZonMw), exploring the way in which stigma and shame shape experiences of people in poverty through multimethod research including biographic interviews, focus groups and observation.
Selected output:
Transition Towards a Sustainable Food System (NWA, NWO), exploring potential transition pathways with stakeholders through, among others, futuring methods.
Selected output:
Impact of social policies on health: What works, for whom and under what circumstances (ZonMw), Using a realist approach to understand how health can be protected and advanced in social assistance and debt policies
Tipping the Balance in Dietary Change (NWO) Exploring healthy and sustainable food environments and their 'aftereffects'. This includes societal backlash.
Selected output:
Towards a data-driven dashboard to support a socially-just transition to circular agriculture (CUCO), exploring the potential role of farm data with stakeholders in a way that supports a socially just transition in agriculture.
Meer dan Handig, The impact of technical aids on the everyday lives of users (ZonMW)
Selected output:
Hoogsteyns, M., & van der Horst, H. M. (2016). Voorbij verbergen of vieren. In Disability Studies in de Lage Landen (pp. 111-129). Garant Uitgevers.
Selected output:
Migration and material culture (NWO)
Selected output
Transforming the Normal towards Sustainable Future Food Consumption
Transforming the Normal towards Sustainable Future Food Consumption - WUR Project Transforming the Normal towards Sustainable Future Food Consumption... -
Citizen engagement in the development of local food environment policy
Obesity rates in the Netherlands have tripled in the last forty years with a current 51% of people being overweight and 16% obese. Over the years, the... -
Rethinking the place of meat in religious traditions through ritual intervention
Rethinking the place of meat in religious traditions through ritual intervention - WUR Project Rethinking the place of meat in religious... -
Transition to a sustainable food system
Transition to a sustainable food system - WUR Project Transition to a sustainable food system Current production and consumption of food have come at... -
Impact of social policies on health: What works, for whom and under what circumstances?
Health inequality is rooted in inequality in vital resources for health, including financial resources, a supportive informal network, a stable living... -
Tipping the Balance in Dietary Change
Current food environments are characterised by a wide availability of unhealthy and highly processed foods, promoting unhealthy and unsustainable... -
Smart Energy Systems & Emerging Domestic Energy Practices
This PhD project examines the ways in which householders shape - and are shaped by - smart energy systems.