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Projects - J (Jan) den Ouden
Snapshot Hoge Veluwe - Wildlife ecology with camera traps
National Park De Hoge Veluwe and Wageningen University operate a wildlife survey system that is unique in the world. Since 2013, 50-70 camera traps... -
Fertilization impacts on interactions between ungulates and trees
Fertilization impacts on interactions between ungulates and trees - WUR Project Fertilization impacts on interactions between ungulates and trees... -
Climate change effects on species competition and forests functions
Climate change effects on species competition and forests functions - WUR Project Climate change effects on species competition and forests functions... -
Sustainable forest management
Sustainable forest management - WUR Project Sustainable forest management The effects of biomass harvest on nutrient budgets, productivity, and... -
Optimizing thinning for quality timber
Optimizing thinning for quality timber - WUR Project Optimizing thinning for quality timber This study aims to investigate the growth response of... -
What does the wood hide?
What does the wood hide? - WUR Project What does the wood hide? Dating and provenancing is generally achieved by applying classical... -
Seed dispersal as a conditional mutualism
Lennart Suselbeek studied how dispersal of acorns by the Wood mouse is affected by the presence of Wild boar and other external circumstances, using... -
The origin and age of oak clusters at the Veluwe (The Netherlands)
In 2001, the news was brought that on the Veluwe oaks were discovered of more than a thousand years old. These trees consisted of groups of stems,... -
Dendrogeomorphology as a tool to reconstruct drift sand dynamics
Drift-sand areas form the basis of several important habitat types under Natura 2000. Yet, most drift-sand areas in Europe are consolidated due to... -
A network of high resolution stem-growth measurements across the Netherlands
In this long-term project, part of the Forest Reserve programme, dendrometers are placed on trees of different species in Nature Reserve areas across...