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Education - JE (Liesbeth) Bolhuis


  • Supervisor of BSc thesis students



  • Adaptation Physiology (ADP-30806, coordinator)
  • Lecturer Health, Welfare and Management (ADP-30306)
  • Lecturer Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare (BHE-31306)
  • Supervisor of MSc thesis students
  • Supervisor of Internship students



Information courses ADP

Information courses BHE




BHE31306 Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare
ADP30306 Health, Welfare and Management
ADP70224 MSc Internship Adaptation Physiology
ADP70424 MSc Internship Adaptation Physiology
ADP30806 Adaptation Physiology
ADP79324 MSc Research Practice Adaptation Physiology
ADP80424 MSc Thesis Adaptation Physiology
ADP79224 MSc Research Practice Adaptation Physiology
ADP79324 MSc Research Practice Adaptation Physiology
ADP80436 MSc Thesis Adaptation Physiology
ADP80424 MSc Thesis Adaptation Physiology
ADP79224 MSc Research Practice Adaptation Physiology
ADP70424 MSc Internship Adaptation Physiology
ADP70224 MSc Internship Adaptation Physiology
ADP80436 MSc Thesis Adaptation Physiology
YAS10306 Introduction to Animal Sciences
BHE31306 Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare
ADP30306 Health, Welfare and Management
ADP40306 Adaptation Physiology