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Education - MH (Maarten) Jacobs
Maarten Jacobs teaches social science methods and environmental psychology
GEO70224 | MSc Internship Cultural Geography |
GEO79224 | MSc Research Practice Cultural Geography |
GEO70424 | MSc Internship Cultural Geography |
GEO79324 | MSc Research Practice Cultural Geography |
GEO80424 | MSc Thesis Cultural Geography |
GEO23806 | Philosophy of Science & Ethics in Tourism |
GEO12801 | Statistics for Tourism, Society and Environment |
GEO37806 | Research Methodology for Planning and Design |
GEO30806 | Research Methodologies for Tourism, Society & Environment |
GEO80436 | MSc Thesis Cultural Geography |
GEO36306 | Environmental Psychology |
GEO30806 | Research Methodologies for Tourism, Society & Environment |
GEO23806 | Philosophy of Science & Ethics in Tourism |
GEO36306 | Environmental Psychology |
GEO12801 | Statistics for Tourism, Society and Environment |
GEO70224 | MSc Internship Cultural Geography |
GEO79224 | MSc Research Practice Cultural Geography |
GEO79324 | MSc Research Practice Cultural Geography |
GEO70424 | MSc Internship Cultural Geography |
GEO80436 | MSc Thesis Cultural Geography |
GEO80424 | MSc Thesis Cultural Geography |
GEO37806 | Research Methodology for Planning and Design |