MAI (Maarten) Schutyser
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Prof. Dr. ir. M.A.I. Schutyser is Personal Professor at the Laboratory of Food Process Engineering of Wageningen University & Research. His research focuses on understanding behavior of dense structured food materials during processes like (spray) drying, dry fractionation and 3D food printing. This helps to explore new operating windows for existing food processes and develop radical new processing routes. The aim is to deliver better quality & healthier foods with more environmentally friendly processes compared to traditional processing. Dewatering and drying technologies represent in some cases up to 50% of the total energy consumption of foods but are indispensable for food preservation, food security and global distribution of food ingredients. Dry fractionation technologies for plant-based ingredients can save up to seven times energy compared to traditional wet protein extraction and at the same time provide highly functional and clean label ingredients. The emerging technology of 3D food printing offers the potential to create novel food textures and healthier foods. It is also well suited for personalized and on-demand food production leading to less food waste generation in the chain.
Maarten Schutyser (co-)authored over 100 scientific peer-reviewed papers. He obtained his Msc and PhD degrees, respectively in 1999 and 2003 (both cum laude) at Wageningen University & Research. After his PhD he was employed by Akzo Nobel Chemicals and NIZO food research, respectively as a research technologist and group leader predictive modelling of foods. Since 2008 he is leading the Dry Food Processing group at the laboratory of Food Processing Engineering. He is also chairman of the Netherlands Working Party on Drying, an independent society that connects drying experts via networking events ( and chairs the WP Drying of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.