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Education - prof.dr. M (Marielos) Peña Claros

I teach about forest ecology and forest management in several courses belonging to the "Bos- en Naturbeheer" BSc program, the Forest and Nature Conservation MSc program, and the Biology MSc program. For the complete list of courses see below.

I have (co)organized and given lectures on several courses and workshops for PhD candidates, including the workshop on "How to review a manuscript" being organized by the Wageningen Graduate School. 

I am a committee member of the Honour Program of WUR. The Honour progam of WUR aims to support BSc students interested in engaging on additional academic activities and in having a larger societal impact.


WEC31806 Ecological Methods
FEM70424 MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM70224 MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM80424 MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM80436 MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM30806 Resource Dynamics and Sustainable Utilization
WEC31806 Ecological Methods
FEM30306 Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM70818 BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM70812 BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM79324 MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM79224 MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM22306 Forest Resources
FEM50403 Capita selecta Forest Ecology and Forest Management - open for individual projects
FEM30306 Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM22306 Forest Resources
FEM30806 Resource Dynamics and Sustainable Utilization
FEM70818 BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM70812 BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM70224 MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM80436 MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM70424 MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM80424 MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM79324 MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM79224 MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management
FEM50403 Capita selecta Forest Ecology and Forest Management - open for individual projects