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Education - prof.dr. M (Marielos) Peña Claros
I teach about forest ecology and forest management in several courses belonging to the "Bos- en Naturbeheer" BSc program, the Forest and Nature Conservation MSc program, and the Biology MSc program. For the complete list of courses see below.
I have (co)organized and given lectures on several courses and workshops for PhD candidates, including the workshop on "How to review a manuscript" being organized by the Wageningen Graduate School.
I am a committee member of the Honour Program of WUR. The Honour progam of WUR aims to support BSc students interested in engaging on additional academic activities and in having a larger societal impact.
WEC31806 | Ecological Methods |
FEM70424 | MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM70224 | MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM80424 | MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM80436 | MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM30806 | Resource Dynamics and Sustainable Utilization |
WEC31806 | Ecological Methods |
FEM30306 | Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM70818 | BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM70812 | BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM79324 | MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM79224 | MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM22306 | Forest Resources |
FEM50403 | Capita selecta Forest Ecology and Forest Management - open for individual projects |
FEM30306 | Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM22306 | Forest Resources |
FEM30806 | Resource Dynamics and Sustainable Utilization |
FEM70818 | BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM70812 | BSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM70224 | MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM80436 | MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM70424 | MSc Internship Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM80424 | MSc Thesis Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM79324 | MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM79224 | MSc Research Practice Forest Ecology and Forest Management |
FEM50403 | Capita selecta Forest Ecology and Forest Management - open for individual projects |