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Projects - dr. NB (Nora) Sutton
The increasing presence of organic micropollutants in different segments of the water cycle threatens future water resources. These micropollutants are currently being detected at low concentrations in groundwater and surface water used for drinking water intake. While current monitoring (chemical analyses) gives an indication of the presence of these micropollutants, little is known about the natural attenuation of micropollutants under in situ conditions. This information is required to assess and mitigate the risks of contamination of drinking water resources. The aim of this research is to develop tools to assess microbial biodegradation capacity and activity.
Formation and fate of micropollutant transformation products in subsurface water systems
Because of climate change, the Netherlands is currently facing seasonal problems with freshwater provision. Alternative water sources, such as surface... -
Assessing the fate of contaminants of emerging concern in effluents during irrigation
During drought periods, treated effluents can be a stable water supply for a more climate-resilient agricultural sector, to protect crop production... -
Development of monitoring and mitigation technologies for improving microbiological urban surface water quality
The microbial quality of urban surface water bodies is important for urban quality of life and citizen health. Exposure to microbiologically... -
Dissolved Organic Matter Dosing To Enhance In Situ Micropollutants Biodegradation In Drinking Water Aquifers
Almost two thirds of the drinking water in the Netherlands comes from groundwater. Recent studies have detected micropollutants such as pesticides and... -
Microbial adaptation to enhance the biodegradation of organic micropollutants
Microbial adaptation to enhance the biodegradation of organic micropollutants - WUR Project Microbial adaptation to enhance the biodegradation of... -
Bioconversion of pharmaceuticals
Bioconversion of pharmaceuticals - WUR Project Bioconversion of pharmaceuticals Project information Bioconversion of pharmaceuticals Project code:... -
Optimizing design and operation of rapid sand filtration for removal of micropollutants from drinking water
The micropollutants in the water cycle threatens the quality of surface water used for drinking water production. Thus, micropollutants removal should... -
FUNqyWATER: Multifunctional urban water quality (Urban Pulse II program)
In many western economies, there is growing demand for use of urban water for recreation, food production, thermal energy provision and other uses....