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Education - dr. PAM (Paul) Smeets
Coordinator HNE-51306 Nutritional Neuroscience
HNH73724 | MSc Internship Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour |
HNH51306 | Nutritional Neuroscience: Gut and Brain |
HNH25806 | Research Methodology for Nutrition and Health I |
HNH30306 | Psychobiology of Food Choice and Eating Behaviour |
HNH73824 | MSc Internship Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour |
HNH73824 | MSc Internship Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour |
HNH26306 | Research Methodology for Nutrition and Health II |
HNH73724 | MSc Internship Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour |
FPE32306 | Food Digestion: Oral and Gastric Structure Breakdown |
HNH51306 | Nutritional Neuroscience: Gut and Brain |
HNH30306 | Psychobiology of Food Choice and Eating Behaviour |
HNH25806 | Research Methodology for Nutrition and Health I |
HNH26306 | Research Methodology for Nutrition and Health II |