dr. S (Sanne) Raghoebar

dr. S (Sanne) Raghoebar

Universitair docent

Dr. Sanne Raghoebar is a Postdoctoral Researcher at both the Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles group and the Education and Learning Sciences Group. A recurring theme throughout her research is that of approaching eating behavior from a socioecological perspective, with a special focus on the interaction between individuals and their social and physical environment. Given that food consumption affect both individual and planetary health, Raghoebar attempts to integrate health and sustainability aspects in her research. 

Raghoebar obtained her PhD at the Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles Group on the role of physical cues in the food environment and the underlying psychological processes (including social norms) by which these cues determine eating behaviour.

Link to dissertation: https://edepot.wur.nl/533544

Currently, together with different interdisciplinary research teams, Raghoebar is involved in several research projects, using quantitative and qualitative methods. One of her main projects involves the SWITCH project, aiming to understand the socioecological influences on adolescents’ dietary decisions, to stimulate them to engage in more healthy and sustainable behaviours.

Follow her work: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sanne-Raghoebar
Study preregistration on the Open Science Framework: https://osf.io/zp5ab/

Raghoebar is involved in different educational activities, including lecturing in the course Nutrition Behavior. She is passionate about sharing her experiences and expertise, therefore she supervises several MSc, BSc, internship and PhD students to inspire them to advance insights in eating behavior.

Raghoebar deems it important to make an effort in sharing research practices, as by sharing our work, we increase the chance that our work is read. And by others reading our work, we increase the chance of making a societal impact. A prime example of such an effort is her Instagram account ‘artistic_scientific_creator’, as she is passionate about translating her research into art. On this account, she showcase her illustrations to share scientific findings in a fun and understandable way.

Selection of professional articles and media coverage:



