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Education - dr. SP (Stasja) Koot

Coordinating and teaching:

  • Anthropology and Development (MSc)
  • International Development and Tourism (MSc)


Teaching a part of the following courses:

  • Sociology of Tourism (BSc)
  • Communities, conservation and development (MSc)
  • Tourism and Sustainable Development (MSc)
  • Methodology for Field Research in the Social Sciences (MSc)
  • Advanced Qualitative Research Design & Data Collection (PhD)


ENP11806 Sociology & Tourism
GEO56806 Advanced Qualitative Research Design and Data Collection Methods
SDC70224 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70724 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC78324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC78424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
SDC80736 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC70424 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70824 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC80424 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
SDC80430 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80436 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80724 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC33306 Methodology for Field Research in the Social Sciences
SDC32306 Anthropology and Development
GEO31806 Tourism & Sustainable Development
SDC36806 International Development & Tourism
SDC80736 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC70424 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70824 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC80424 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC79424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
SDC80430 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80436 MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change
SDC80724 MSc Thesis Disaster Studies
SDC33306 Methodology for Field Research in the Social Sciences
GEO31806 Tourism & Sustainable Development
DEC20306 Rural Households and Livelihood Strategies
DEC20306 Rural Households and Livelihood Strategies
SDC70224 MSc Internship Sociology of Development and Change
SDC70724 MSc Internship Disaster Studies
SDC78324 MSc Research Practice Sociology of Development and Change
SDC78424 MSc Research Practice Disaster Studies
SDC36806 International Development & Tourism
ENP11806 Sociology & Tourism
SDC32306 Anthropology, power and inequality
HSO51306 Advanced Qualitative Research Design and Data Collection Methods