Facilities WURheo Rheology Center
Controlled stress rheometers
- 2 Anton Paar MCR 300
- 4 Anton Paar MCR 301
- 1 Anton Paar MCR 302
- 2 Anton Paar MCR 501
- 1 Anton Paar MCR 502
- Concentric cylinder CC10 (SS + Ti) (solvent trap available)
- Concentric cylinder CC17 (SS + Ti) (solvent trap available)
- Concentric cylinder CC27 (Ti)
- Double gap concentric cylinder DG26,7 (SS + Ti)
- Double gap concentric cylinder DG42
- Parallel plate PP50 (SS)
- Parallel plate PP25/P2 (SS)
- Parallel plate PP50/P2 (SS)
- Cone plate CP20-2° (SS)
- Cone plate CP25-1°
- Cone plate CP50-1° (Ti)
- Cone plate CP50-4° (SS)
- Cone plate CP50-4°/Q1 (SS)
- Cone plate CP75-1° (SS)
- Interfacial cell with bi-cone Bi-C 68-2x5° (SS)
- CC32-16.5 AL for rheo-optics
- PP43/GL glass plate-plate for microscopy
- Peltier elements for both concentric cylinder and PP/CP geometries
- Possibilities for Rheo-SALS, imaging (e.g. particle tracking)
- Evaporation blocker systems on MCR301 and MCR501
TA Instruments AR G2
- Double Wall Ring Geometry for surface shear rheology
- Cone plate CP40-1°
- Concentric cylinder CC14
Controlled strain rheometer
Rheometrics ARES
- Optical train for birefringence and dichroism measurements
- Cone plate CP50-2° SS
- Parallel plates PP50 SS
- 2 sets glass parallel plates for rheo-optics
- 2 concentric cylinders with glass bottom plate for rheo-optics
- Anton Paar RheolabQC (2)
- 2 sets CC 27 (SS, smooth)
- CC 27 (SS, grooved)
- CC 39 (SS, smooth)
- ST 22-4V-40 (SS 4 blade vane geometry)
Low viscosity fluids
- Several glass Ubbelohde viscometers with Tamson TV12 waterbath.
Extensional viscometer
- Caber extensional viscometer for viscous liquids
Texture analysis
- Stable Micro Systems Texture Analyzer
Load cells: 50N, 500N,
Geometries: cylindrical plate probes, cutting probes, three point bending setup, syringe extrusion setup
- Instron Texture Analyser
Load cells: 10N, 50N, 2000 N
- Climate chamber (for both SMSTA and ITA) : T-controlled, RH-controlled
Surface dilatational rheometry
- Sinterface PAT 1
- Sinterface PAT 1 (including pressure sensors and droplet-droplet contact mode)
- Teclis Tracker
- Dataphysics spinning drop device (currently not operational)
- Langmuir trough + IRRAS (TIFN)
- Diffusive wave spectroscopy setup
- Dual CCD DWS