
Fish Biodiversity Symposium

November 9, 2022

On the occasion of the public defence of the PhD thesis of Twan Stoffers on Friday 16 December 2022, a symposium on habitat restoration for riverine fishes in large European rivers will be held at Wageningen University and Research.

His PhD research aimed to better understand how restored floodplains function as nurseries for riverine fishes, with the goal of improving recruitment success and restoring fish populations in the lower river Rhine. The symposium will focus on opportunities for restoring fish biodiversity in large European rivers such as the Rhine in the Netherlands, the Rhône in France, and the Elbe in Germany. There will be talks on how much habitat needs to be restored to achieve biodiversity goals (Dr Christian Wolter), how to test predictions from ecohydraulic models (Dr Nicolas Lamouroux), and the measures taken and future challenges of habitat restoration in the lower river Rhine (Luc Jans and Margriet Schoor).

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The symposium is free and open to the public, and participants are cordially invited to attend the public defence ceremony of Twan Stoffers afterwards, entitled: "Surviving and growing in dynamic floodplains: habitat heterogeneity drives communities of young fish in the lower river Rhine". The symposium will be held in person, and registration is required due to limited room capacity; please register by scanning the QR-code on the poster or by clicking on this link:

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