Biodiverse agroecosystems
The Soil Science Cluster studies interactions between biodiversity, soil management and land use, and ecosystem services and functions in agroecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales using experimental, observational and modelling approaches.

Reseach line leaders
Podcast release "Gerlinde De Deyn or what happens in the soil under our feet"
- Gerlinde’s scientific voice takes us to the world of soils. Despite being “out of sight and often out of mind”, soil life plays a determinant role in the functioning of the world above ground and it is the basis of both agricultural and natural systems. Loosing good soils can happen extremely fast while their formation takes considerable time. To know more listen here to the podcast resulted from the Eco-serve project.
Global Soil Biodiversity webinars
- Webinar on 'Soil Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture' moderated by Johan Six (ETH) with Gerlinde De Deyn (SBL) as one of the invited panelist. Look at the recording here.
- Webinar on 'The underestimated role of animal diversity in bioturbation' moderated by Lijbert Brussaard (SBL) with Ingrid Lubbers (SGL) as one of the invited panelist. Look at the recording here
New publication on the role of soil microbiota in restoration of degraded land
- A great collaboration between WUR Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management Group and SBL led to the publication of a new Science paper on the role of soil microbiota in restoration of degraded land: Read 'Soil microbiota as game-changers in restoration of degraded lands'